Top 10 Harry Potter Characters!

1. Severus Snape. The ultimate good and bad guy
2. Harry potter. Their wouldn’t be a series without him
3. Hermoine Granger. The smart one, and also the hot one later in the series
4. Ron Weasley. The funny one out of the trio. Also a faithfull sidekick.
5.Voldemort. One of the best villans ever created.
6. Dumbledore. Where would the wizarding world of been without him. The most talented wizard ever.
7. Hagrid. A gentle giant filled with humor and heart.
8.Dobbie. A very emotional scene when he dies. A faithfull elf even if annoying in the chamber of secrets.
9.Sirius. Harry’s godfather. Just a cool guy
10. Weasley twins. Add humour and excitment to the wizarding world.

Top 10 Pixar films

  1. Monsters Inc, this film comes in at number 1 as it was the most memorable film from my childhood as I instantly fell in love with the characters. Words can’t describe the lure love I have for this film.
  2. The Incredibles comes in at 2nd place due to the fact that it is just a great film and by far the best superhero film out their in my opinion.
  3. Toy Story comes in at 3rd and I know many people would put this at 1st and while it is one of my favourite trilogy’s. It was a toss up between toy story and the Incredibles for the number 2 spot as I believe monsters Inc is in a class of its own.
  4. Toy story 2 comes in 4th this is one of the best sequels ever made,and just like the last one had lots of heart and humor.
  5. Monsters university comes in at 5th place. This film brought back so many happy childhood memories and even though it didn’t have the heart of the first one their was lots of humor to boot , despite many people being disappointed with this sequel  I was thrilled by it.
  6. Up comes in 6th place. Arguably the best first 10 minutes to any film. Up doesn’t quite keep the high standard set by the first 10 minutes but certainly is still a class film.
  7. Toy Story 2 comes in 7th this film rounded of the franchise exceptionally well (even though they are making a toy Story 4) the nostalgia in this film is very high and it is helped by having one of the best Pixar villan Lots-O. Overall a great film.
  8. Wall-E comes in 8th this film is another Pixar  masterpeice. How they managed to keep the film interesting despite having no dialogue is astounding. This is another brilliant film that can be rewatched several times before you become bored with it.
  9. Inside out is the newest Pixar film to be released and it didn’t dissapoint. I fully expect this film to rise up the rankings in a few years through nostolgia. However due to it being the new pixar film i put the old classics ahead. This film is a brilliant film in its own right. And deserves its praise however i wouldnt put it in the top 5 so 9th is about right.
  10. Finding Nemo comes in 10th another great film with an original story but done to perfection

A shout out to bugs life. Another Pixar film I love which narrowly misses out.

Cars was a good film but doesn’t hold a candle to the classics. Cars 2 was poor

Ratatouille was another good film.

Brave, I have never seen.